The extremely odd Giraffe-necked weevil from Madagascar with its very long heads is one of the most bizarre insect.
By 2002, 70 percent of all persons with autism in the regional center system were under 15 years of age.
Xn | recognition
XNism has been very fortunate to be awarded
by several who have felt that our purpose deserved
recognition. Increasing autism awareness is our
main goal and will walk the mile to see
an inch of progress. A partial list of webmasters:
Frog Creations www.frog.co.nz
ONZCDA www.otakounzonline.com
Bedrock Media www.bedrockmedia.com
WWW Awards www.worldwidewebawards.net
The PCman Website www.thepcmanwebsite.com
Website of Distinction www.whatisthis.com.
Nodus Design www.nodusdesign.com
Golden Web Award www.goldenwebawards.com
Toronto Seeker www.torontoseeker.com/award
Amer. Assoc. of Webmasters www.aawebmasters.com
Art Space 2000 www.artspace2000.com
Aboutd.com Awards www.aboutD.com
Coolest designs www.coolestdesigns.com
Webthrower www.webthrower.com/awards
Hawaii City www.hawaiicity.com
iValueHost.NET www.ivaluehost.net
Stay informed | AUTISM | Get involved
Autism is diagnosed nearly every 20 minutes in the U.S.