Xn | Presentation
The Bug Story
Note: look for spider icon to view movies
The Bug Story is very engaging, educational, and fun for young learners. It provides information about Insects and Arachnids as well as Autism."
Jeremy Belcher
No.Bullitt High School

WOW, totally makes sense. I found the story of a bug to be a fun read. It explains it well. We have an
autistic young man at work...that helped me understand him better.

Walter Reeves

great thing to show to children . . . use of bugs to represent how autism affects people is quite clever because it goes down to a kid’s level and interests him by using creatures that he usually finds fascinating anyway. Courtney Bitting
Univ. of Pittsburgh

Awesome! Great content and excellent gallery
James Bowman

professional image, a great website!
Nodus Design
A small peak at "The Bug Story" movie (220 kb SWF)
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